What's Going On With My Blog

I post things such as my thoughts of conversations and experiences. I also write a little, so I will most likely provide poems and snippets of stories I have began to write. I also post lyrics . . . Just in case you are interested. I am very opinionated so most of posts will go one way. I live in a small southern town where people do not expect much from anyone or anything. The type of feedback I look forward to the most is when people share what they think about the subject because I like conversation. I also do answer/question and advice so email intricatecarmen@live.com and I'll reply in whichever way you prefer (on here or through email) I hope you enjoy my blog!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Feeling Small

I have this problem where I can’t stop matching myself up to people in every way possible. Intellectuality, physical strength, attractiveness and overall ‘success’.
It drives me to resent the people who try to best me and instead of walking away, I HAVE to prove them wrong. I HAVE to either be better or create the illusion that I am smarter and more confident. When I find myself in a situation where I have no choice but to marinade or walk away, I drive myself insane overthinking it all. Thinking of all of their cons and all of MY pros.
The thing is, I’m perfectly okay with being less smart, not universally attractive, and at the physical strength I’m at….but I’m not okay with feeling small.

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