What's Going On With My Blog

I post things such as my thoughts of conversations and experiences. I also write a little, so I will most likely provide poems and snippets of stories I have began to write. I also post lyrics . . . Just in case you are interested. I am very opinionated so most of posts will go one way. I live in a small southern town where people do not expect much from anyone or anything. The type of feedback I look forward to the most is when people share what they think about the subject because I like conversation. I also do answer/question and advice so email intricatecarmen@live.com and I'll reply in whichever way you prefer (on here or through email) I hope you enjoy my blog!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Teenage "Love"

Being 15, every day on my social networks such as Facebook, I see girls constantly talking about "him" and vice versa. Even when they are my closest friends, I can not help not feeling bad for them when things go downhill. Girls my age talk about love as if it is the very thing that keeps them living. As if their purpose is to love a male and that is it. I do feel bad for them in a sense. However not for the fact that their boyfriends broke up with them, but the fact that living in a small southern Kentucky town where people do not usually see success as an option. Our town is the number one in our area for teen pregnancy and it is clear when you look around. And if there is not a baby in their bellies, there is one in their arms. It is as if being a housewife and mother at age 14-20 has been their goal. Speaking of which, there are also girls here who get married. Not for the reason you are probably thinking either. Not for the fact that there is a baby on the way and they find it appropriate to be married. NOPE. They marry for the simple fact to be married. They use their husbands as more of an accessory than a soul mate. Because that is what they are. What I wanna know is, what happens when they change their minds? They can not go from guy to guy like teenage girls usually do anymore. So what do they do? They become miserable. That is what they do. This is why I am so against serious dating and falling in love in High School. Because there is so much that is undecided that comes in the way. Especially when it comes to couples that are differed in age. There is the change of emotion and feeling, the struggle with grades, decisions and morals to be made and decided, and then the situation where one may be graduating before the other and wanting to move on. I'm not sure what confuses/angers me more: when guys "propose" to girls in high school, or the girls who believe these guys and feel secure about it. Honestly, if a guy told me right now, that he loved me deeply and wanted to marry me, I would probably laugh in his face and tell him not to waste his time. That is why the "heartbreak" I see all of these girls does not phase me or make me feel sympathy. If anything I think they are stupid and wish that they would stop complaining about their problems when there are people with worst life problems. There are kids out there who get beaten, neglected, ignored, forgotten, verbally and sexually abused and they do not shed a tear. Yet a girl's boyfriend of 3 months , 5 days, 3 hours, 9 minutes, and 75.93002 seconds just broke up with her and she cries for days at a time. If you want to have a relationship in high school make sure you both know that is for sweetness and fun and simply just that, and accept the fact that it will be over soon. Otherwise someone is going to get deeply hurt. Short and sweet.